Year or Term Abroad: Eligibility | Study Abroad | Yale University
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Year or Term Abroad: Eligibility

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A group of yurts, round tents made of a wood frame covered in felt and canvas, in a green field in Mongolia with the sun beginning to rise

Yale Eligibility Requirements for a Year or Term Abroad

If you are interested in studying abroad for a year or term, you must meet these minimum requirements to be approved to study abroad. If you don't meet a particular requirement, see below for additional information.

  • Be a second semester sophomore or a first or second semester junior at the time of enrollment abroad. 
  • Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher.
  • Be in academic good standing.
  • Not be on disciplinary probation or suspension at the time of enrollment abroad.

Note:In addition to Yale's eligibility requirements, you must meet the eligibility requirements and academic prerequisites of your intended study abroad program.

Language Policy

For students considering study abroad where English is not the primary host country language:

Effective with the Spring 2024 study abroad term, students are not required by Yale Study Abroad to have completed a designated level of language study before participating in a program where the primary official language of the host country is not English. However, students do need to meet the language requirement – and all other requirements – of individual programs, if applicable, as listed on the program page.

All students who are participating in a program where the primary official language of the host country is not English are required to enroll in a minimum of one language course while attending the program. For advanced language students, this requirement can be met through any course that is taught in the host country language. Students who have completed at least the L4 level in the host country language are strongly encouraged to enroll only in courses taught in that language.

Students who are interested in using a study abroad course toward the language distributional requirement should visit Fulfilling Requirements with Outside Credit.

Pin:If you are struggling to identify a program where most of the courses for your major are taught in English, contact a study abroad adviser for guidance. Yale Study Abroad offers a petition process for eligible programs that cannot be found on the designated list.

FAQ: Unsure if you are prepared to take all of your courses in the language of the host country?

The idea of taking all of your courses in the host country language can be daunting, no matter how long you have been studying the language. Rest assured that students who have taken at least the L4 level of the host country language at Yale prior to arrival abroad have been successful when completing a full course load in the language. Yale's language curriculum has adequately prepared students to undertake such an endeavor. Past students report that they felt much more confident in their language skill level within two weeks of the program start, and by the end of the program, felt that they could go from translating their thoughts before speaking to thinking in the host country language. Contact a study abroad adviser for further discussion.

What if I don't meet the eligibility requirements listed above?

FAQ: Senior Standing

Students who wish to enroll in a term abroad during the first term of their senior year must first secure the support of Yale Study Abroad, their DUS(s), and their Residential College Dean, and then petition the Committee on Honors and Academic Standing through their Residential College Dean's office. It is not possible to petition to study abroad during the second term of senior year through the Year or Term Abroad program. However, students with senior standing can apply to attend the Yale in London program, which is administered by the Yale Center for British Art. 

FAQ: Grade Point Average (GPA)

If you have a cumulative GPA below 3.0 you can still apply for approval to study abroad. As part of the Year or Term Abroad application, you will be asked to submit an additional short essay that addresses your academic performance at Yale and outlines specific strategies for maintaining academic good standing abroad. Your transcript should demonstrate progress towards raising your GPA in the semesters before your intended year or term abroad. You should also ensure that you meet the GPA requirement of your intended study abroad program(s).

FAQ: Academic Standing

You should have enough credits, upon completion of the Year or Term Abroad, to remain in academic good standing. If you will be short one or two credits for promotion, you can be approved with the understanding that you will enroll in summer classes to make up the credit deficiency.  This approval can only be given with the support of your Residential College Dean. If you will be one requirement short of fulfilling a distributional requirement, you must speak with your Residential College Dean about petitioning the Committee on Honors and Academic Standing (CHAS) for permission to complete this requirement after returning from a Year or Term Abroad.

Additional Considerations based on your Student Enrollment Status

FAQ: Transfer Students

It is important to discuss your study abroad plans with your residential college dean to review your specific academic plan and credits needed for graduation.

  • Transfer students must earn a minimum of 18 Yale credits. If the transfer credit from your Year or Term Abroad program causes you to accrue more than 18 total transfer credits, you would not be eligible for a Year or Term Abroad.
  • You must enroll in Yale College for at least 4 terms, earning by attendance at Yale a minimum of 18 Yale credits.
  • See Section M (Transfer Students) and Section Q (Credit from Other Universities) of the Yale College Programs of Study for more details.

FAQ: Eli Whitney Students

It is important to discuss your study abroad plans with your residential college dean to review your specific academic plan and credits needed for graduation. You are eligible for a Year or Term Abroad as long as you enroll in Yale College for at least 4 terms, earning a minimum of 18 credits at Yale, and meet the following conditions:

  • Before enrolling abroad: have already accumulated at least 12 total credits, but no more than 22 total credits, toward the 36-credit graduation requirement.
  • While abroad: enroll in full-time study in your intended program or university.
  • Upon return: enroll in Yale College for at least 2 terms.
  • See Section N (Eli Whitney Students Program) and Section Q (Credit from Other Universities) of the Yale College Programs of Study for more details.

FAQ: Students on a Leave of Absence or Medical Leave of Absence

  • A Year Abroad is considered two of your eight terms of enrollment in Yale College; a Term Abroad is considered one of your eight terms of enrollment in Yale College. As a result, you cannot have a Leave of Absence or Medical Leave of Absence status during a Year or Term Abroad.
  • If you are currently taking a Leave of Absence and wish to participate in a Year or Term Abroad following the leave, you are eligible to apply. All study abroad deadlines apply.
    • Contact your Residential College Dean to discuss your intention to return from your leave after this current term.
  • If you are currently taking a Medical Leave of Absence and wish to participate in a Year or Term Abroad following the leave, you are eligible to apply. Your approval for a Year or Term Abroad is contingent on being reinstated successfully prior to your time abroad. All study abroad and reinstatement deadlines apply.

FAQ: Withdrawn Students

If you are withdrawn from Yale College for any reason, you are ineligible to participate in any programs abroad for credit. If reinstated, the first semester back must be done on the Yale campus.

FAQ: Students Who Plan to Accelerate

If you wish to accelerate and also plan to participate in a Year or Term Abroad, you have important considerations to review, as credits earned from study abroad do not count towards Yale course credits. Please read the information contained in point 6 under “General Rules Relating to the Use of Acceleration Credits” and schedule an appointment with your Residential College Dean to discuss acceleration in more detail.