For Deans and DUSs | Study Abroad | Yale University
Study Abroad Summer Session COMPASS

For Deans and DUSs

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TOC: Study Abroad Information

Thank you for your continued support of students who wish to study abroad during their time at Yale!

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For Residential College Deans

Below includes information to help you navigate your role in reference to advising students for studying abroad.

FAQ: The "Dean Form" for a Year or Term Abroad Application

When students apply for a Year or Term Abroad, they are instructed to meet with you at least 2-3 weeks in advance of the application deadline to discuss their plans for study abroad. Students request the Dean's form electronically from the Yale Compass application system. You then receive an email with specific instructions about how to access the form, which is to be completed and submitted online. In addition to receiving email requests, you can log into the Yale Compass application system anytime and view a list of all Dean study abroad approval requests.

There are no Dean forms to complete for summer study abroad applications because of the high volume of applications. You are always welcome to email the Director to discuss any concerns.

FAQ: Cc on Lists of Students Going Abroad 

Once students are approved for a Yerm or Term Abroad, you and your administrative assistant will be cc'ed on an email with an Excel spreadsheet list of all approved students. Some students may still have a status of "pending", but we will update you once the "pending" status has changed.

For Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad and non-Yale summer programs, you and your administrative assistant will also receive a list of approved students.

Yale Study Abroad does not administer the Yale in London program, so those students will not appear on our lists. The Yale Center for British Arts runs this program.

FAQ: CHAS Petitions for students (removing credit or needing to defer a requirement)

Some students may request to remove two summer transfer credits because they'd like to do a full year abroad. Students applying to study abroad for an academic year abroad will earn 9 transfer credits, so they will need to petition to have the 2 summer transfer credits removed in order for them to earn the 9 transfer credits for the academic year. 9 is the maximum allowed.

Some students may also need to defer a distributional requirement until after they return from studying abroad.

FAQ: Transcripts and Credits Appearing on the Yale Transcript

Shortly after the study abroad program ends, we will receive an official transcript to our office. We will process the transcript and send the course titles and amount of credit earned to the Registrar's Office. Some programs send transcripts more quickly than others, but this should not interfere with students' registering for courses for the next semester.

FAQ: When a Student Withdraws (after being approved by our office)

Withdraw from a Year or Term Abroad: To withdraw from a Year or Term Abroad, the student should notify their study abroad adviser, or the Study Abroad office if they are unsure who their adviser is. We will send them a link to the electronic "Yale College Request to Cancel Year or Term Abroad" form and will cc you and your administrative assistant on the email to the student.

If a student wishes to withdraw from a summer study abroad program, they should notify their study abroad adviser or the Yale Study Abroad office. You will not be notified when a student withdraws from a summer study abroad program.

Yale College Programs of Study Sections Related to Study Abroad

The Residential College Dean Guide to Study Abroad at Yale

The Residential College Dean Guide is a detailed overview of options, student eligibility requirements, credit, applications, and the staff contact list ("who to go to for what").

For Directors of Undergraduate Study (DUSs)

Below includes information to help you navigate your role in reference to courses taken abroad both during the academic year and summer.

FAQ: The "DUS Approval Form" for a Year or Term Abroad Application

When students apply for Year or Term Abroad, they are instructed to meet with their DUS at least 2-3 weeks in advance of the application deadline to discuss their plans for study abroad. Students request the DUS approval form electronically from the Yale Compass application system. You then receive an email with specific instructions about how to access the form, which is to be completed and submitted online. In addition to receiving email requests, you can log into the Yale Compass application system anytime and view a list of all DUS study abroad approval requests.

FAQ: Cc on a "Course Schedule Verification Form" email

When students study abroad during an academic year or semester, and their semester has begun, they must confirm their courses with Yale Study Abroad so we can double check that they are enrolled in credit-transfer eligible courses. Once the relevant study abroad adviser reviews the courses the student has submitted, we email the student to confirm their course load, and we will cc the student's DUS so you are aware that the student is abroad and which courses they have enrolled in. Some students will seek major credit later on from you, and this is an email record of the courses they have signed up for. We only do this for students studying abroad during the academic year and not for summer study abroad programs.

FAQ: Major Credit and Courses Taken Abroad

Yale Study Abroad staff evaluate study abroad program transcripts and can submit courses to the registrar to transfer back to their Yale degree from non-Yale study abroad programs. This credit comes back as general transfer credit towards the 36 needed for graduation as long as the student applied for approval by the deadline, took credit eligible courses, and they earned a C- or higher. Any time a student asks us about major credit, we direct the student to the relevant DUS. As DUS, you have the discretion to count, or not count, study abroad courses from an academic year, a semester, or a summer program, towards major and/or distributional requirements. We tell students they can seek guidance from you before their study abroad program begins, but how it would count towards major and/or distributional requirements would be determined by you after the study abroad program is over.

Any programs run by Yale, such as Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad and Yale in London, earn Yale credit, and appear on the transcript as any other Yale courses. [Yale in London is not administered by Yale Study Abroad, and questions should be directed to the Yale Center for British Arts.]

Yale College DUS Handbook


Please contact Yale Study Abroad if you have questions for us or feedback to make this page better.