YSS Programs Abroad: Costs & Funding | Study Abroad | Yale University
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YSS Programs Abroad: Costs & Funding

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Program Costs & Funding Options

Current budgets for the upcoming summer are generally available by late January. Refer to each program page to view the most up-to-date budget information. Please note that program budgets may be subject to change in the event of significant fluctuations in currency exchange rates.


Payment Information & Refund Policy - Summer 2025

Payment Information

A non-refundable $200 Administrative Fee and $200 Program Deposit is charged when a student is offered admission and commits to participating. Payment of all program charges (Administrative Fee, Program Deposit, Program Fee, Tuition, and International Housing costs) is due two weeks before the program start date. The payment due date for a YSS Program Abroad is likely different than what will appear in Yale's billing system. The specific payment due date per program is included in each student's Yale Compass account. 

Program Withdrawal and Financial Charges

Students who wish to withdraw from a Yale Summer Session Abroad Program at any time must contact studyabroad@yale.edu promptly and indicate the reason for the withdrawal. Program withdrawals must be made in writing. Students will be responsible for the administrative fee and program deposit, program fee, tuition, and international housing charge as below.

a. If a student withdraws from the program by 5:00pm EDT 15 calendar days before the program start date, they are responsible for the administrative fee and program deposit. The program fee, tuition, and international housing charge will be refunded.

b. If a student withdraws from the program by 5:00pm EDT one calendar day before the program start date, they are responsible for the administrative fee and program deposit and 25% of the international housing charge. The program fee, tuition, and 75% of the international housing charge will be refunded.

c. If a student withdraws from the program by 5:00pm EDT on the fifth business day of the program, they are responsible for the administrative fee and program deposit, the international housing charge, and the program fee. Tuition will be refunded.

d. If a student withdraws from the program by 5:00pm EDT on the tenth business day of the program, they are responsible for the administrative fee and program deposit, the international housing charge, the program fee, and 50% of tuition. 50% of tuition will be refunded.

e. A student who withdraws from the program after 5:00pm EDT on the tenth business day of the program is responsible for all charges. No refunds will be made.

NOTE: To confirm the program's start date, please see the "Dates" section of the relevant Yale Summer Session Program Abroad listed here.

Special Refund Considerations

Programs that Begin on the Yale Campus
Students who have opted for campus housing and no longer need it will receive a refund of the New Haven Housing - Room & Board cost according to the following schedule:

  • Students will receive a full refund if they opt out of campus housing by 5:00pm EDT the Friday before the start of the program by e-mailing studyabroad@yale.edu.
  • Once a student is in residence, they will be entitled to a partial room and meal refund only by vacating the room by Friday at 5:00pm EDT of the first week of classes. No refunds will be made after this time. The student will be charged the rate for room and meals for each of the days in residence. Before a refund can be made, the student must have their room inspected and then return room keys and ID card (if a visiting student) to the Housing Manager in the Summer Housing Office.

COVID-19 Courses & Housing Subsidy
Students who qualify for the COVID-19 Courses will retain the benefit if they withdraw from the program by 5:00pm EDT the Friday of the first week of classes. The benefit will be forfeited if withdrawing after this time.

Students who qualify for the Housing Subsidy likewise will retain the benefit if they withdraw from the program by 5:00pm EDT the Friday of the first week of classes. The benefit will be forfeited if withdrawing after this time.

International Study Award (ISA)
Students who withdraw and already received their ISA funding will be asked to return the funding.

Payment FAQ

FAQ: Why am I charged an Administrative Fee and Program Deposit?

The Administrative Fee covers expenses incurred in arranging program logistics. The Program Deposit covers initial expenses incurred abroad related to your participation. These costs are non-refundable once charged.

FAQ: When is the full payment amount due?

All direct billed expenses (Program Deposit and Administrative Fee, Tuition, Program Fee, International Housing and, if applicable, New Haven Housing) are to be paid in full no later than two weeks before the start date of the program. Specific payment deadlines are available in each student's Yale Compass account following admission into the program.

FAQ: What charges will appear on the bill I receive from Yale?

Yale will bill you for the Administrative Fee, Program Deposit, Program Fee, Tuition, and International Housing costs. The bill will reflect any scholarships or awards you have received. If a particular program charges you directly for additional fees, that charge will also appear on your bill. If you are participating in a language program with a New Haven component and you choose to be placed in on-campus housing, you will have two housing charges on your student account: Summer Housing and International Housing.

FAQ: Could the program be cancelled?

The Dean of Yale Summer Session reserves the right to cancel any program abroad if enrollment is insufficient or if the location becomes restricted by the Yale Travel Policy. In the event of a cancellation, all program charges will be removed from your account.

FAQ: Does Yale pro-rate international housing charge if I have to withdraw from the program once I am abroad?

No, we are not able to pro-rate the cost of the international housing. If you have to withdraw from the program once abroad, you'll still be charged for the international housing charge.

FAQ: Will the International Study Award (ISA) be available?

Yes. The International Study Award (ISA) will be available for eligible Yale College students who are admitted to a YSS Program Abroad.

If admitted to a YSS Program Abroad, you will have access to the ISA Request Form as one of your required pre-departure forms in your Yale Compass account. View the ISA website deadline page for deadline information.

Students using an ISA to participate in Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad that begin in New Haven will be eligible for free on-campus housing and meal plan for that period.

FAQ: Will YSS Financial Assistance be available?

Yes. YSS Financial Assistance provides 50% off tuition for up to two courses each summer to Yale College students who receive financial aid during the regular academic year. Students may receive financial assistance for a maximum of two courses each summer. Students who plan to participate in a YSS Program Abroad can only receive YSS Financial Assistance if they have already used their ISA in a previous summer. YSS Financial Assistance and the ISA cannot be combined for the same YSS Program Abroad. 

FAQ: Are any other funding options available?

For additional funding options for YSS Programs Abroad, visit:

Yale Student Grants Database – CIPE Summer Fellowships (e.g., Spanish & Latin American Fellowships)
MacMillan Center Fellowships (e.g., Summer Language Study, FLAS)
Study Abroad Outside Scholarships

More detailed information about the YSS COVID-19 Courses is included below.

YSS COVID-19 Courses & Housing Subsidy for Yale College Students

FAQ: What are the YSS COVID-19 Courses, how do they apply to YSS Programs Abroad, and who is eligible?

First-year students and sophomores who were enrolled for both the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters, with at least one term taken remotely, have earned two courses to be used in Yale Summer Session (YSS) New Haven, Online, or Abroad in any summer before their senior year.

Students who were in the equivalent of their second or fourth term in Fall 2020, and who were enrolled for both the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 terms with at least one of those terms taken remotely without access to campus (LM4, LM5, LM6), are also eligible for this special YSS arrangement.

If admitted to a YSS Program Abroad, eligible students may use the YSS COVID-19 Courses, however, both YSS COVID-19 Courses must be used together and are not to exceed the tuition for a 2-credit program (for summer 2023 that amount is $9,475), even for programs that award more than 2 credits. These credits cannot be split across programs or summers.

Note - Cinematic Storytelling in Prague is the only YSS Program Abroad that does not meet the YSS COVID-19 Courses eligibility requirements for an abroad option as the tuition cost for the program is only for one Yale credit. The second credit is transferred in from FAMU.

FAQ: Is admission guaranteed to a YSS Program Abroad if I am eligible for the YSS COVID-19 Courses?

No, admission cannot be guaranteed, and enrollment is limited. For more details on how the YSS Programs Abroad admissions process works, please visit the application & deadline page.

FAQ: How do the YSS COVID-19 Courses apply to YSS Programs Abroad that earn 3 or 4 credits?

The YSS COVID-19 Courses covers the tuition cost for 2 credits and will not exceed the tuition for a 2-credit program (for summer 2023 that amount is $9,475). Students admitted to either a 3-credit or a 4-credit program will be responsible for the remaining tuition balance, which is set at a reduced rate:

·         3-credit program remaining tuition balance after using YSS COVID-19 Courses: $200
·         4-credit program remaining tuition balance after using YSS COVID-19 Courses: $500

Every YSS Program Abroad is designed as a complete program rather than individual courses; therefore, students cannot choose to enroll in fewer courses than the program offers and must use both of the YSS COVID-19 Courses credits for a single program.

Visit the individual program page for more information on the number of credits earned through the program and associated costs beyond tuition.

FAQ: Do the YSS COVID-19 Courses cover any other costs associated with YSS Programs Abroad?

The YSS COVID-19 Courses only apply to tuition costs for 2 credits, not to exceed the tuition for a 2-credit program (for summer 2023 that amount is $9,475) and does not cover any additional expenses associated with YSS Programs Abroad, such as airfare, international housing, or program fees.

FAQ: How does the YSS Housing Subsidy apply to YSS Programs Abroad that begin in New Haven?

First-year students (class of 2024) and sophomores (class of 2023), as well as students who were in the equivalent of their second or fourth term in Fall 2020, who are eligible for the YSS COVID-19 Courses and receive financial aid through Yale College are eligible for additional financial support to subsidize on-campus room and board (YSS Housing Subsidy) for YSS Programs Abroad that start on Yale’s campus in New Haven.

For eligible students, the YSS Housing Subsidy will cover the full cost of room and board on the Yale campus for the length of time that the program is in New Haven (between 2 to 4 weeks depending on the program).

The YSS Housing Subsidy cannot be applied toward the cost of International Housing.

Students who meet the eligibility requirements for the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy but have been admitted into a YSS Program Abroad that meets completely abroad may not save their YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy for a subsequent summer.

FAQ: What happens to my YSS COVID-19 Courses and, if applicable, YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy if I withdraw from a YSS Program Abroad?

Students enrolled in a YSS Program Abroad and using the YSS COVID-19 Courses benefit must withdraw no later than 5:00pm EDT on the Friday of the first week of the program in order to retain the YSS COVID-19 Courses for a future experience with a YSS Program Abroad or YSS courses taught in New Haven or Online.

Students enrolled in a YSS Program Abroad and using the YSS COVID-19 Courses forfeit both YSS COVID-19 Courses if withdrawing after 5:00pm EDT on the Friday of the first week of the program.

Students who withdraw from a YSS Program Abroad that starts on Yale’s campus in New Haven must also withdraw immediately, if applicable, from on-campus housing.

Students using the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy to cover the cost of on-campus housing who withdraw no later than 5:00pm EDT on the Friday of the first week of the program may not transfer the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy to a future program or session with YSS courses taught in New Haven or Online unless they reimburse YSS for the per diem cost of the number of days they occupied on-campus housing.

Students using the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy to cover the cost of on-campus housing who withdraw after 5:00pm EDT on the Friday of the first week of the program forfeit the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy.

Students who withdraw anytime on or after the program start date will be responsible for the Administrative Fee, Program Deposit, Program Fee, and International Housing costs.

FAQ: May I combine YSS COVID-19 Courses with the International Study Award (ISA)?

Students on financial aid who have not previously used funding from an International Study Award (ISA) may combine their YSS COVID-19 Courses with the ISA.  YSS COVID-19 Courses will be used for tuition cost for 2 credits (for summer 2023 that amount is $9,475).  Both of the YSS COVID-19 Courses must be used together and cannot be split across programs or summers. The ISA is calculated based on a student’s aid in the preceding academic year to cover a percentage of the cost for credit-bearing study abroad programs and may be used to cover expenses associated with the YSS Program Abroad, including any remaining tuition balance after YSS COVID-19 Courses (for programs of more than 2 credits), international housing, travel, and program fees. If the combination of ISA and YSS COVID-19 Courses exceeds a student’s total program budget, ISA funds will be reduced so that the total funding received from all sources equals the total program budget.

For details regarding the ISA, visit the International Study Award website.

Need-Based Funding Options

For Students on Yale Financial Aid during the academic year.

International Study Award

Thanks to the generosity of donors, the International Study Award (ISA) provides a stipend for one summer credit-bearing study abroad experience for eligible undergraduate students. Funding is proportionate to your financial need level and the cost of the program. The ISA can be utilized for any YSS Program Abroad.

Although students who meet the eligibility requirements are guaranteed ISA funding for one experience, you must indicate your intent to use the ISA. If you apply for a YSS Program Abroad and are offered admission, you will have access to the ISA request form in your Yale Compass account. The deadline to indicate your intent to use the ISA through the Yale Compass ISA form is May 2 at 1pm Eastern Time, but you are encouraged to complete the form as soon as possible upon your approval.

More details, including calculating your ISA percentage and program budgets, are available on the ISA website. You may also contact ISA administrators with any questions about the ISA. Please note that Yale Study Abroad does not administer the ISA.


YSS Tuition Assistance

Students who wish to study abroad but have already used their ISA award in a previous summer are eligible to receive the 50% tuition assistance for up to two credits. More information can be found on the YSS Financial Assistance webpage. 

Merit-Based Funding Options

The Yale Fellowships & Funding team offers advising to Yale students on a wide variety of Yale-specific and outside funding opportunities competitions. You can search for fellowships on their website.

Outside Funding

Outside Scholarships

Student observing the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai, China

You may also want to consider applying for study abroad scholarships through outside organizations. If you'll be attending a Non-Yale program, be sure to check with your study abroad provider to see if they might offer funding opportunities. Keep in mind that external funding application deadlines can be much earlier than those at Yale.

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