Year or Term Abroad: Applications & Deadlines | Study Abroad | Yale University
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Year or Term Abroad: Applications & Deadlines

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Applying for a Year or Term Abroad

We're excited that you are interested in a Year or Term Abroad! Before applying, please be sure to:

Tip: Yale does not have a pathway for credit-bearing domestic study away programs in the U.S.A. during the semester. Talk with your Residential College Dean if interested.

TOC: Application Process

How do I apply?

Note: This is a two-part process. You must apply for both admission into your program and to Yale for approval to study abroad. These are separate application processes and can be done simultaneously.

Apply for admission to your intended Non-Yale program:

  • Apply directly to the university or program abroad you would like to attend via their website. 
  • It is your responsibility to ensure all application materials are submitted to your desired program by their deadline. Program application deadlines may be earlier or later than Yale’s application deadline.
  • You do not need to have already secured Yale's approval for study abroad when you apply for admission to your intended program.

Apply for Yale's approval to study abroad and transfer credit:

  • If you haven't already, review the Year or Term Abroad eligibility requirements.
  • Access and submit the Year or Term Abroad application via the button at the bottom of this page.
  • Late applications cannot be accepted.
  • You do not need to have been already admitted to your intended program before submitting the Year or Term Abroad application.

Note: Application Exceptions

  • If applying to Balliol College, Oxford University, complete the following application instead of the Year or Term Abroad application:
  • If you would like to apply for approval to attend a program that is not on Yale's designated list, please see our guidance on petitions.

Where do I access the Yale Study Abroad application?

Applications for a Spring Term Abroad open at the start of Yale's fall term. Applications for a Fall Term or Full Year Abroad open at the start of Yale's spring term. 

Note: Don't forget to also apply to your intended program for admission into the program.

When are the Yale application deadlines?

Your Year or Term Abroad application is due the semester before your intended program starts.  

Spring 2025 Abroad Application Opens Application Deadline
Credit for Spring Term Abroad Start of Fall semester October 1, 2024 @ 11:59 p.m. Eastern
Petition for Spring Programs not on Yale's Designated List Start of Fall semester October 1, 2024 @ 11:59 p.m. Eastern
Full Academic Year 2025-2026 Abroad Application Opens Application Deadline
Balliol College, Oxford University: Junior Year Abroad Program for Yale English Majors Start of Spring Semester April 1, 2025 @ 11:59 p.m. Eastern
Credit for Full Year Abroad Start of Spring Semester April 1, 2025 @ 11:59 p.m. Eastern
Petition for Full Year Programs not on Yale's Designated List Start of Spring Semester April 1, 2025 @ 11:59 p.m. Eastern
Fall 2025 Abroad Application Opens Application Deadline
Credit for Fall Term Abroad Start of Spring Semester April 1, 2025 @ 11:59 p.m. Eastern
Petition for Fall Programs not on Yale's Designated List Start of Spring Semester April 1, 2025 @ 11:59 p.m. Eastern

What does the Year or Term Abroad application include?

The Year or Term Abroad application is a non-competitive process. Applications are reviewed for eligibility with no cap on the number of students who can be approved. The Year or Term Abroad application consists of:

  • Application Form: This form includes questions about your intended study abroad program(s) and tentative courses along with a brief personal statement (300-500 words). In addition to listing your first-choice program, you have the option to include two alternate programs.  
  • Credit, Tuition, & Financial Aid Policy Documents: These documents include details about important Yale Study Abroad policies. You will be asked to read through the information and confirm your understanding of the policies. 

In addition, as part of your Year or Term Abroad application, you will be asked to discuss your plans with your Residential College Dean and Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) and to send them forms to complete on your behalf:

  • Residential College Dean’s Form: This form includes questions about your academic standing, progress toward graduation, and preparedness for the study abroad experience.
  • DUS Form: This form includes questions about your ability to complete your major and the possibility of earning major credit abroad. If you do not yet have a major declared, you will need to contact the DUS of the major you are most strongly considering. If you have a double major, contact the DUS from both departments, as you will need each DUS to complete a form.

Point:We recommend that you schedule meetings with your Dean and DUS well in advance of the deadline so that we receive all parts of your application on time.

How can I tell if my application is complete and has been submitted?

  • As you submit requirements, you will see them move from the "Items to Complete" section to the "Completed Requirements" section.
  • Once all requirements are completed, the progress wheel (in the instructions section) of your application will be full.
  • You also will have a pop-up prompt you to submit your application in full. You will see the submit button at the top of the application.
  • After you press the submit button at the top of the application, a banner will appear to confirm that your application has been submitted. Additionally, you will receive an email with the subject line "Your Study Abroad application has been submitted."

Please note that, due to the volume of applications received, Yale Study Abroad cannot confirm individually whether your application was submitted successfully. If you did not receive the automated email confirming that your application has been submitted, please log into your MyCIPE account to check your application. You can use the steps outlined above as a guide.

Why am I still getting messages that my application is incomplete if I already submitted it?

If you have submitted an application and still have received the "Study Abroad Application Reminder (Remaining Application Items Incomplete)" email, it is likely because you opened multiple applications and only submitted one of them (e.g., you opened a "Yale Year or Term Abroad Application" and a "Year or Term Abroad Petition for a Program not on Yale's Designated List"). Please log into your MyCIPE account to withdraw any applications you do not plan to submit.

What happens if my parts of the application are submitted, but my Dean and/or DUS has not yet submitted their form?

Your application can be submitted as long as you have sent the form request through MyCIPE to your Dean and your DUS(s). Please contact your Dean and DUS to remind them of the application deadline. As long as your application is submitted on time, you will not be penalized if your Dean and/or DUS does not meet the student application deadline. A missing Dean and/or DUS form will delay your application review until all forms are received. 

What if the program I want to attend is not on Yale's designated list?

If you are hoping to attend a program that is not found on Yale's designated list, do not submit the Year or Term Abroad application. Instead, you should review the petition process and submit a Year or Term Abroad Petition for a Program not on Yale's Designated List.