Mission & Goals | Study Abroad | Yale University
Study Abroad Summer Session COMPASS

Mission & Goals

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Mission Statement

Pin: The mission of Yale Study Abroad is to facilitate credit-bearing education abroad opportunities for undergraduate students that align with their academic goals, further develop their personal interests, and foster their cross-cultural competencies. Through partnerships with campus offices, Yale instructors, and program staff abroad, the office aims to provide student-centered advising, resources, and support services before, during, and after study abroad.

Yale Study Abroad places the highest priority on student wellness abroad, including their health, safety, and well-being. Along with this priority, we have established the following goals:


We are committed to ensuring that all Yale undergraduate students have access to study abroad programs that fit their academic and personal needs. We seek to provide students with a range of program options that represent a diversity of geographic locations, academic content, teaching styles, program types, and durations. We offer one-on-one advising and group information sessions to help students navigate these choices.

In addition to maintaining a list of designated programs abroad that includes a range of different experiences and program costs, we offer students the option to petition to attend a program that may be better suited to their goals and interests.

Furthermore, Yale makes possible the transfer of financial aid during a semester or academic year abroad and awards additional financial aid, in the form of the International Study Award, for summer study abroad.

Curricular Integration:

Study abroad provides students with the opportunity to take coursework that complements and enhances their studies at Yale. While earning credit towards their graduation requirements, students are exposed to new academic perspectives and learning modes that further their intellectual growth. Study abroad enables students to learn in context, increasing their language proficiency and/or comprehension of complex topics. 

Student Development:

Yale University’s mission is to educate “aspiring leaders worldwide who serve all sectors of society.” Study abroad enables students to develop increased cross-cultural competencies through exposure to various cultures and meaningful engagement with their host communities. By navigating new environments, norms, and values, students sharpen their resiliency, adaptability, resourcefulness, and intercultural communication skills, which benefit their future endeavors, including strengthening their candidacy for internships, fellowships, and post-graduate opportunities.

Point: Ready to study abroad? Get Started!