The ISA provides a stipend for one credit-bearing summer study abroad experience for eligible undergraduates receiving a Yale scholarship. You must apply to Yale Study Abroad and be approved for a Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad or Non-Yale Summer Abroad program. Yale Study Abroad does not administer the ISA. For all ISA-related details, including how to request funding, when it gets disbursed, how much funding you can expect, and more, visit the ISA website.
Singapore, Singapore
Social Sciences, STEM
Direct Enrollment
Option to apply through CIEE
Students have the option to directly enroll in this program or to participate in this program through CIEE. Please see the note about direct enrollment vs. a study abroad provider in the notes section at the bottom of the page. Due to an issue with transcripts, it is encouraged to apply through CIEE rather than directly enroll. If you decide to apply directly through SMU, you will need to see the note about transcripts at the bottom of this page.
- Students applying through CIEE must select "Singapore Management University Global Summer Program (GSP) (CIEE)" on their Non-Yale Summer Abroad application
- Students applying to direct enroll through Singapore Management University should select "Singapore Management University Global Summer Program (GSP)" on their Non-Yale Summer Abroad application
Founded in 2000, Singapore Management University (SMU) is globally recognized for its outstanding teaching and pioneering research that tackles key Asian and global challenges. The university’s unique educational approach emphasizes small class sizes and seminar-style teaching, fostering an engaging learning environment in the heart of Singapore's vibrant urban landscape. This setting provides a transformative educational experience, empowering students to reach their full potential.
The SMU Global Summer Programme (GSP) offers tracks in Asian Insights, Digital Intelligence, and Sustainability. The courses offered may be of particular interest to students studying economics, computer science, East Asia, and environmental studies. The program includes cultural activities, networking events, and a chance to explore Singapore!
If choosing this option to directly enroll in the SMU GSP rather than to participate in this program through CIEE, please see the note about transcripts below.
Two-Part Application Process
Applying to a Year or Term Abroad or a Non-Yale Summer Abroad study abroad program is a two-part process. These are separate application processes with individual deadlines and can be done simultaneously.
- You must apply to your intended program for admission by applying online from the program’s website. Select the Program Website button below to be directed to more information.
- You must apply to Yale Study Abroad for approval to study abroad and the ability to transfer the credit back to your Yale degree. The designated list of programs on our website does not constitute pre-approval or automatic approval from Yale. You must apply to our office by the relevant deadline in order to be approved. Select the Apply to Yale Study Abroad button below to be directed to more information.
Please make sure to review the "Choosing Your Courses" subsection of the Academics and Credit page. Some of the courses on this program may not be eligible to transfer credit. Please consult the adviser for this program for guidance. Courses are transfer credit eligible if they are offered by a department that exists at the undergraduate level at Yale, or prior approval was granted. Not all courses on this program are eligible for transfer credit.
View the spreadsheet to see the credit-eligible courses.
If you are interested in a taking a course for transfer credit, but it is listed as "No* " on the spreadsheet, you can contact a relevant DUS and seek approval for general transfer credit for the course. DUS approval is not guaranteed. If you receive approval from a DUS, please forward the email from the DUS to the adviser for this program (listed in the Program Information section on this page). If the DUS approves, you can transfer credit for the course.
Being approved by Yale Study Abroad means that you are approved for your courses that were listed in your credit application. If you switch your courses after approval, you must let Yale Study Abroad know. If you switch courses and do not have them approved and they are not credit-eligible, you may not be able to earn transfer credit.
You can choose to either apply directly through the university for admission, or apply through a study abroad provider, CIEE. Applying through a study abroad provider still allows you to directly enroll at the university, but with an additional level of services and support. Because of these additional services, it often costs more to study abroad through a provider than to apply directly through the university. We encourage you to research both options before making a decision. If you have any questions, contact a study abroad adviser.
If you directly enroll in the Global Summer Programme through Singapore Management University rather than attend through CIEE, SMU will send Yale a grade report, but will not be able to send Yale a direct copy of your transcript. You will need to email the transcript you receive to the Study Abroad adviser listed on this page, who will verify it in OperCert (transcript system that satisfies Singapore's data privacy laws) and verify it against the grade report received.