Institute for American Universities (IAU): Aix-en-Provence Summer Session A | Study Abroad | Yale University
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Institute for American Universities (IAU): Aix-en-Provence Summer Session A

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International Study Award (ISA)

The ISA provides a stipend for one credit-bearing summer study abroad experience for eligible undergraduates receiving a Yale scholarship. You must apply to Yale Study Abroad and be approved for a Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad or Non-Yale Summer Abroad program. Yale Study Abroad does not administer the ISA. For all ISA-related details, including how to request funding, when it gets disbursed, how much funding you can expect, and more, visit the ISA website.

Program Information


Aix-en-Provence, France




French, English

Minimum Language Requirement

None; See "Selecting your level of French" for more details

Areas of Focus

Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences


Study Center


The mission of the Institute for American Universities is to provide excellence in international education, inspire intercultural awareness, and prepare students for success in a global community through the study of European and Mediterranean history, languages, cultures, and contemporary issues. The Session A program (6 weeks) in Aix-en-Provence offers courses in French (at all levels), fine arts, humanities, and social sciences. IAU’s campus in Aix is centrally located just a few doors down from local French universities, shops, cafes, and more in the historic part of town. See the Notes section below for important credit transfer information.

Helpful videos about IAU include:


Student Life, Housing & Wellness

French Honors Program

School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Two-Part Application Process

Applying to a Year or Term Abroad or a Non-Yale Summer Abroad study abroad program is a two-part process. These are separate application processes with individual deadlines and can be done simultaneously.

  1. You must apply to your intended program for admission by applying online from the program’s website. Select the Program Website button below to be directed to more information.
  2. You must apply to Yale Study Abroad for approval to study abroad and the ability to transfer the credit back to your Yale degree. The designated list of programs on our website does not constitute pre-approval or automatic approval from Yale. You must apply to our office by the relevant deadline in order to be approved. Select the Apply to Yale Study Abroad button below to be directed to more information.

Program Website Apply to Yale Study Abroad


Study Abroad Approval Form

Please email the study abroad approval form to

Note on Credit Transfer

Business courses and the internship are not eligible for credit transfer. 

Students may take two eligible courses offered during Session A to receive two transfer credits from Yale. This means that students may:

  • Take two Session A courses
  • Take one Session A course plus one course in Session B or C, or one Session A course plus both a course in Session B and C
    • If doing Session A plus a course in both Sessions B and C, you will need to choose which two courses you want to transfer credit
    • If doing Session A plus a course in both Sessions B and C and you plan to request the ISA, please note that you can only receive funding for two courses. The ISA cannot fund optional courses. It does cover the two courses you will transfer credit for. 
  • Take one Session B course plus one Session C course (still technically considered during Session A)

Students would take a placement test back at Yale to confirm the progress they have made with French over the summer.

Note on Transcripts

Students do not need to request the School of Record transcript for IAU.

Selecting your level of French

It can be difficult to select the correct level of French for this program. Generally, we recommend that students who completed L3 at Yale enroll in the honors program at IAU, but you should still speak with an adviser to confirm this is best for you.Talk to the adviser for this program as well as the French department for advice. If enrolling in two French language learning courses, it can be possible to switch into a higher or lower level once on the program, but make sure to update your study abroad adviser if you do so. 


Yale Study Abroad Adviser

Lauren Perrino