Bard College Berlin: Liberal Arts Berlin | Study Abroad | Yale University
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Bard College Berlin: Liberal Arts Berlin

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Program Information


Berlin, Germany


Academic Year, Fall, Spring


English, German

Minimum Language Requirement

None; however, you must take the host language as one of your courses.

Areas of Focus

Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences


Direct Enrollment


Located at Bard College Berlin (BCB), this program is designed for students pursuing majors in the humanities and social sciences—for example, philosophy, art history, economics, literature, political science, history, or the practicing arts—who wish to deepen their engagement with the major questions and currents of Western thought in a rigorous, interdisciplinary fashion. Students enrolled in Liberal Arts Berlin may choose freely from the course listings but are encouraged to take advantage of the numerous Berlin-centric classes, such as Discussing Deutschland: What Germans Are Talking About Today (in German), and Berlin Outsider: History, Politics, Film, Text. 

Two-Part Application Process

Applying to a Year or Term Abroad or a Non-Yale Summer Abroad study abroad program is a two-part process. These are separate application processes with individual deadlines and can be done simultaneously.

  1. You must apply to your intended program for admission by applying online from the program’s website. Select the Program Website button below to be directed to more information.
  2. You must apply to Yale Study Abroad for approval to study abroad and the ability to transfer the credit back to your Yale degree. The designated list of programs on our website does not constitute pre-approval or automatic approval from Yale. You must apply to our office by the relevant deadline in order to be approved. Select the Apply to Yale Study Abroad button below to be directed to more information.

Program Website Apply to Yale Study Abroad

Yale Study Abroad Adviser

Susan Evans