The ISA provides a stipend for one credit-bearing summer study abroad experience for eligible undergraduates receiving a Yale scholarship. You must apply to Yale Study Abroad and be approved for a Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad or Non-Yale Summer Abroad program. Yale Study Abroad does not administer the ISA. For all ISA-related details, including how to request funding, when it gets disbursed, how much funding you can expect, and more, visit the ISA website.
Multiple Locations
Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit
Arts & Humanities
Study Center
Some languages on this program have a language requirement. See Notes for details.
AIIS offers intensive, immersion-based training in modern and classical South Asian languages at multiple sites in India. The site you'll be at will be determined by the language you wish to study. Formal instruction is supplemented by the experience of using the language in daily life. Students normally stay with host families arranged by the program to enrich their knowledge of the target language and experience the local culture. Multiple languages are offered on this program, such as:
Two-Part Application Process
Applying to a Year or Term Abroad or a Non-Yale Summer Abroad study abroad program is a two-part process. These are separate application processes with individual deadlines and can be done simultaneously.
- You must apply to your intended program for admission by applying online from the program’s website. Select the Program Website button below to be directed to more information.
- You must apply to Yale Study Abroad for approval to study abroad and the ability to transfer the credit back to your Yale degree. The designated list of programs on our website does not constitute pre-approval or automatic approval from Yale. You must apply to our office by the relevant deadline in order to be approved. Select the Apply to Yale Study Abroad button below to be directed to more information.
Students should discuss credit transfer for this program with the Study Abroad adviser to determine whether you will be able to transfer one or two credits for your chosen language and program site.
Remember that introductory language courses (L1/L2) cannot be used in fulfillment of Yale's foreign language requirement. If you seek to fulfill the language requirement with a language not taught at Yale, you will need to consult with your residential college dean.
Students may consider applying to do one of the language programs at AIIS through the Critical Language Scholarship. Talk to a Fellowships adviser if you have questions about applying for this Non-Yale scholarship. Note that the application is due the November of the year prior to the summer you intend to study. If you decide to do the program through the Critical Language Scholarship, you should submit a petition application.